Book: Behram's Boat
By: Adi Pocha
“Behram’s Boat” is a funny, whimsical story of one eccentric, cranky old Parsi's struggle to build a boat that will save his people.
And bring meaning to his life.
Not a modern ship, but a traditional boat of wood and sail, that will retrace the historic voyage of the Parsis when they first came to India. But this time, the other way around: from Sanjan in India all the way to Iran.
The book Behram's Boat is a perfect example of what a person faces when he is about to do something unique.
The book has one of the most unique storyline.
The characters are well developed and too strong that emphasize the Parsi culture in a beautiful way.
The book is quite intriguing and with proper twists and flat pace.
The language used easy to understand.
Overall a must read for a thrilling story.
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