Thursday 6 July 2023

Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Mental Illness


Mental illness is a topic that affects millions of people worldwide, yet it often remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on mental illness, providing an informative and empathetic perspective. By increasing awareness and understanding, we can collectively work towards breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and supporting those who are impacted.

1. Defining Mental Illness: A Multifaceted Reality

   - This section aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of mental illness. It explains that mental illnesses are medical conditions that affect a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The blog discusses various types of mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and eating disorders. By highlighting the diversity and complexity of mental illnesses, readers can grasp the breadth of the issue.

2. Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions

   - Mental illness is often plagued by misconceptions and stereotypes. This part of the blog addresses common myths and misconceptions surrounding mental health. It challenges notions such as "mental illness is a sign of weakness," "people with mental illness are violent," and "mental illness is not a real illness." By debunking these myths, readers can develop a more accurate and compassionate understanding of mental health conditions.

3. Understanding the Impact of Mental Illness

   - Mental illness can have far-reaching effects on individuals and their loved ones. This section explores the impact of mental illness on various aspects of life, such as relationships, work or education, physical health, and overall well-being. By recognizing the breadth of these effects, readers can develop empathy and support systems that help individuals navigate their challenges.

4. Seeking Help: The Path to Recovery

   - Seeking help is a crucial step towards recovery and managing mental illness. This segment emphasizes the importance of professional support and encourages readers to reach out when needed. It discusses therapy, medication, support groups, and other forms of treatment. Additionally, it provides guidance on how to support a loved one who may be struggling with mental illness.

5. Self-Care and Mental Well-being

   - Self-care plays a vital role in managing mental illness. This part of the blog explores various self-care strategies that can help individuals prioritize their mental well-being. It highlights activities such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical exercise, nurturing healthy relationships, and seeking a balance between work and leisure. By promoting self-care, readers can empower themselves and others to take active steps towards mental wellness.

6. Building a Supportive Community

   - Creating a supportive community is essential for individuals with mental illness. This section emphasizes the importance of fostering understanding, empathy, and acceptance within society. It encourages readers to educate themselves about mental health, challenge stigma, and be compassionate listeners. By building a supportive community, we can create an environment where individuals feel safe, heard, and understood.


Mental illness is a complex and significant issue that deserves our attention and understanding. By breaking the stigma and increasing awareness, we can create a more compassionate and supportive society for those affected by mental health conditions. Let us stand together, ready to listen, learn, and support one another in our journey towards mental well-being. Remember, recovery is possible, and no one should face mental illness alone.

Unleashing Your Potential: Earning with Writing


In today's digital era, the world of writing has expanded beyond traditional publishing avenues. The rise of the internet and the increasing demand for content has created a myriad of opportunities for individuals to earn money through their writing skills. Whether you're an aspiring novelist, a wordsmith with a passion for blogging, or simply someone who loves to express themselves through the written word, this blog will guide you through various avenues to monetize your writing talent and turn your passion into a profitable venture.

1. Freelance Writing:

Freelancing offers a great starting point for writers to earn money while building their portfolio. Numerous platforms, such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr, connect writers with clients seeking content creation services. Whether it's creating blog posts, website copy, articles, or social media content, freelancing allows you to showcase your skills, gain experience, and earn income simultaneously.

2. Blogging and Affiliate Marketing:

Creating your own blog provides an excellent platform to share your ideas, expertise, and unique voice with the world. By producing high-quality content consistently, you can attract a dedicated audience. Once your blog gains traction, you can monetize it through various methods, such as affiliate marketing. By partnering with companies and promoting their products or services on your blog, you can earn a commission for every sale made through your referral.

3. Self-Publishing and eBooks:

Gone are the days when traditional publishing was the only route to becoming an author. With the advent of self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and Smashwords, you can now publish your own eBooks and reach a global audience. Through effective marketing strategies, engaging book covers, and compelling storytelling, you can earn royalties from book sales and establish yourself as a successful independent author.

4. Copywriting and Content Marketing:

Copywriting involves writing persuasive and engaging content to sell products or services. Many businesses and organizations require skilled copywriters to create compelling sales copy, advertisements, landing pages, and email marketing campaigns. Developing copywriting skills can open up lucrative opportunities for writers, allowing them to work with clients in various industries and earn a handsome income.

5. Writing for Magazines and Online Publications:

Magazines and online publications are always on the lookout for talented writers who can produce captivating articles on specific topics. Pitching your ideas and contributing articles to reputable publications not only adds to your writing portfolio but also provides exposure to a wider audience. Some publications offer payment for published articles, allowing you to earn while building your writing reputation.


In today's fast-paced digital world, earning with writing is no longer a distant dream. With dedication, perseverance, and a strategic approach, you can turn your passion for writing into a rewarding career. Whether through freelancing, blogging, self-publishing, copywriting, or contributing to publications, the opportunities are vast. Embrace the ever-evolving landscape of writing and unleash your potential to not only earn a living but also share your unique voice with the world. Remember, the only limit to your success is your own imagination and determination. So, pick up your pen or start typing and embark on this exciting journey of earning with writing.

Tuesday 4 July 2023

Book to movie adaptation

 Determining the "best" book-to-movie adaptation is subjective and can vary depending on individual preferences and opinions. Different people may have different criteria for evaluating adaptations, such as faithfulness to the source material, acting performances, cinematography, or overall storytelling. However, here are a few book-to-movie adaptations that have received widespread acclaim:

1. "The Godfather" (1972): Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, this adaptation of Mario Puzo's novel is often considered one of the greatest films of all time.

2. "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy (2001-2003): Directed by Peter Jackson, this epic fantasy series adapted J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved novels and was highly praised for its scope, visual effects, and faithfulness to the source material.

3. "To Kill a Mockingbird" (1962): Based on Harper Lee's classic novel, this film directed by Robert Mulligan is regarded as a powerful and faithful adaptation, with Gregory Peck delivering an iconic performance as Atticus Finch.

4. "Schindler's List" (1993): Steven Spielberg directed this adaptation of Thomas Keneally's book, chronicling the true story of Oskar Schindler during the Holocaust. The film received critical acclaim for its emotional impact and powerful storytelling.

5. "Gone with the Wind" (1939): Based on Margaret Mitchell's epic novel, this sweeping historical drama remains a beloved classic and won multiple Academy Awards.

6. "The Shawshank Redemption" (1994): Adapted from Stephen King's novella, this film, directed by Frank Darabont, has become a beloved classic and is often regarded as one of the best films ever made.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other successful book-to-movie adaptations. It's worth exploring various lists, reviews, and personal recommendations to discover adaptations that align with your own interests and preferences.

Saturday 1 July 2023

Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

 "Ego Is the Enemy" is a book written by Ryan Holiday, not Vex King. It explores the destructive nature of ego and provides insights and strategies to overcome its negative impact on our lives. 

"Ego Is the Enemy" (2016) is a highly regarded self-help book that delves into the pitfalls of ego and how it hampers personal and professional growth. Ryan Holiday draws on historical examples and anecdotes from various fields, including business, sports, and politics, to illustrate the detrimental effects of ego and the benefits of cultivating humility and self-awareness.

The book received positive reviews for its thought-provoking content and actionable advice. Many readers found the book to be insightful and appreciated its emphasis on the importance of humility, learning from others, and embracing a growth mindset. The writing style is engaging and accessible, making it easy for readers to grasp the concepts and apply them to their own lives.

Certainly! Here are a few additional points about "Ego Is the Enemy" and its reception:

1. Structure and Themes: The book is divided into three sections: Aspire, Success, and Failure. Each section explores different aspects of ego and how it can hinder personal and professional growth at different stages of one's journey. The themes covered include ambition, self-awareness, resilience, and the importance of constantly learning and adapting.

2. Historical and Contemporary Examples: Ryan Holiday draws from a wide range of historical figures, such as General Sherman, John DeLorean, and Howard Hughes, as well as contemporary figures like Steve Jobs and Kanye West, to illustrate the destructive power of ego. By examining these real-life stories, the book provides valuable lessons and cautionary tales.

3. Practical Insights and Strategies: "Ego Is the Enemy" offers practical advice on how to overcome ego-driven behaviors and develop a healthier mindset. It encourages readers to focus on their own personal growth rather than seeking external validation or comparing themselves to others. The book also emphasizes the importance of embracing humility, being open to feedback, and continuously learning from both success and failure.

4. Critical Acclaim: "Ego Is the Enemy" has been well-received by readers and critics alike. It has garnered positive reviews for its insightful and engaging writing style, the depth of research, and the relevance of its lessons to various aspects of life. The book has been praised for its ability to challenge readers' thinking and provide actionable takeaways that can be applied to personal and professional situations.

Remember, individual experiences and opinions may vary, so it's always a good idea to read multiple reviews to get a well-rounded perspective. If you are interested in exploring the book further, you can find it in various formats, including print, e-book, and audiobook.

Thursday 29 June 2023

Good Vibes Good Life by Vex King

"Good Vibes, Good Life" by Vex King is a self-help book that aims to guide readers towards a happier and more fulfilling life. The book revolves around the concept of raising one's vibration and cultivating a positive mindset to attract positivity and abundance.

Vex King draws from his personal experiences and combines them with spiritual and psychological insights to offer practical advice and techniques for personal growth. The author covers various topics such as self-love, gratitude, mindfulness, and the power of positive affirmations. 

One of the strengths of "Good Vibes, Good Life" is its accessible and relatable writing style. Vex King presents his ideas in a straightforward manner, making it easy for readers to grasp and implement the concepts into their own lives. The book is filled with inspirational quotes, anecdotes, and exercises that encourage self-reflection and positive change.

Another notable aspect of the book is its emphasis on self-empowerment and taking responsibility for one's own happiness. Vex King encourages readers to let go of negative patterns, toxic relationships, and limiting beliefs, and instead, focus on self-care, personal development, and surrounding oneself with positive influences.

While "Good Vibes, Good Life" provides valuable insights and practical tips, some readers might find the content to be somewhat repetitive. The book's ideas and concepts are reiterated throughout, which could have been condensed to maintain a tighter and more engaging narrative.

Additionally, the spiritual undertones of the book may not resonate with all readers. While some individuals may appreciate the inclusion of concepts such as manifestation and the law of attraction, others might find them too esoteric or disconnected from their own belief systems.

In conclusion, "Good Vibes, Good Life" offers a positive and uplifting message for those seeking personal growth and a happier lifestyle. It provides practical tools and guidance to cultivate a positive mindset and attract positivity. While some parts may feel repetitive and the spiritual aspects may not resonate with everyone, the book overall serves as a motivational resource for individuals on a journey towards self-improvement and finding inner peace.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

How to publish your novel to be best selling

 Publishing a book that becomes a best-seller is a combination of talent, strategic planning, and a bit of luck. While there are no guarantees, here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of publishing a book that resonates with readers and achieves best-selling status:

1. Write a compelling book: Focus on creating a well-written, engaging, and unique story or content that captivates readers. Develop relatable characters, compelling plots, and thought-provoking themes that leave a lasting impression.

2. Research the market: Study the current book market and identify popular genres, emerging trends, and reader preferences. This knowledge will help you position your book in a way that aligns with market demands while still maintaining your unique voice.

3. Polish your manuscript: Ensure your manuscript is of high quality by revising, editing, and proofreading rigorously. Consider seeking the assistance of professional editors or beta readers to provide valuable feedback and help refine your work.

4. Build an author platform: Establish an online presence and build a platform to connect with potential readers. Create an author website, engage in social media platforms, and start a blog to showcase your writing and build a loyal following.

5. Seek representation (optional): If you choose the traditional publishing route, consider finding a literary agent who can represent your work to publishing houses. Agents have industry connections and expertise that can increase your chances of securing a publishing deal.

6. Self-publishing: Alternatively, you can self-publish your book, which gives you more control over the publishing process. Self-publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or IngramSpark allow authors to publish their work in digital and print formats and distribute them globally.

7. Develop a marketing strategy: Regardless of your publishing route, marketing plays a crucial role in the success of your book. Create a comprehensive marketing plan that includes promotional activities such as book signings, author interviews, guest blogging, social media campaigns, and email marketing.

8. Generate buzz and reviews: Before your book's release, create excitement by reaching out to influencers, bloggers, and book reviewers who might be interested in your genre. Offer them advance review copies (ARCs) of your book and encourage them to share their honest opinions and endorsements.

9. Leverage social media and online platforms: Utilize social media platforms, author communities, and book-related websites to build anticipation for your book. Engage with your audience, share behind-the-scenes insights, and offer exclusive content to generate interest.

10. Launch with a bang: Plan a launch event or campaign to generate maximum visibility and sales during the initial release period. Consider organizing book signings, virtual events, giveaways, or special promotions to attract attention and encourage sales.

11. Encourage reader reviews: Positive reviews can significantly impact a book's visibility and sales. Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms such as Amazon, Goodreads, or your website. Offer incentives, such as exclusive content or giveaways, to motivate readers to leave reviews.

12. Continuous promotion: Don't stop promoting your book after the initial launch. Keep engaging with your readers, participate in book fairs or literary events, and continue marketing efforts to maintain momentum and expand your reader base.

Remember, the journey to becoming a best-selling author requires persistence, continuous learning, and adaptability. Keep honing your writing skills, stay connected with your readers, and embrace the evolving publishing landscape to increase your chances of success.

The Ultimate Bookworm's Guide: Unveiling the Best-Selling Books of All Time

The Ultimate Bookworm's Guide: Unveiling the Best-Selling Books of All Time

Introduction: Welcome to "The Ultimate Bookworm's Guide," your go-to source for discovering the most captivating, thought-provoking, and influential books that have taken the literary world by storm. In this blog, we will delve into the realm of literature and explore the top-ranking best-selling books of all time, uncovering timeless classics and contemporary masterpieces that have left an indelible mark on readers across generations. Whether you're an avid reader seeking your next literary adventure or simply looking to expand your book collection, this comprehensive guide is here to ignite your passion for reading and help you discover the gems of the written word.

1. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee: Harper Lee's masterpiece, "To Kill a Mockingbird," tops our list with its poignant narrative that tackles racial inequality and injustice. This classic novel resonates with readers through its memorable characters, evocative setting, and powerful themes. Dive into the pages of this American literary treasure and experience the profound impact it continues to have on readers worldwide. 2. "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien: Journey to Middle-earth and immerse yourself in J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy trilogy, "The Lord of the Rings." This sweeping saga captivates readers with its rich world-building, intricate plot, and unforgettable characters. Follow Frodo Baggins on his perilous quest to destroy the One Ring and witness the battle between good and evil in this timeless adventure. 3. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by J.K. Rowling: No list of best-selling books would be complete without the magical world of Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling's debut novel, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," introduces readers to the beloved wizarding universe and its endearing characters. Join Harry, Ron, and Hermione on their journey through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and experience the enchantment that has captivated millions of readers worldwide. 4. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen: Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" remains a timeless masterpiece that explores themes of love, class, and societal expectations. This beloved novel follows the spirited Elizabeth Bennet as she navigates the complex world of Georgian England. Austen's wit, memorable characters, and astute social commentary continue to charm readers and inspire adaptations to this day. 5. "1984" by George Orwell: George Orwell's dystopian novel, "1984," paints a chilling picture of a totalitarian society where individuality is suppressed and Big Brother watches over every move. This thought-provoking and prophetic work explores themes of government surveillance, propaganda, and the power of language. "1984" serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder of the importance of safeguarding personal freedom and truth. 6. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger: J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" captures the angst and alienation of adolescence like no other. Through the eyes of the iconic protagonist, Holden Caulfield, readers delve into themes of identity, isolation, and the loss of innocence. Salinger's timeless novel continues to resonate with readers of all ages, making it an enduring classic. 7. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho: Paulo Coelho's philosophical novel, "The Alchemist," takes readers on a spiritual journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. This enchanting tale follows Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy, as he embarks on a quest to find his destiny. With its inspirational themes and lyrical prose, "The Alchemist" has touched the hearts of millions around the globe. 8. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald: F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is a captivating portrayal of the Jazz Age and the elusive American Dream. Through the enigmatic Jay Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores themes of wealth, love, and the corruption of the American Dream. With its evocative imagery and masterful storytelling, "The Great Gatsby" stands as a literary gem that continues to enthrall readers. 9. "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown: Dan Brown's gripping thriller, "The Da Vinci Code," takes readers on a heart-pounding adventure through art, history, and religion. This page-turner weaves together cryptic codes, secret societies, and religious symbolism in a quest for hidden truths. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of suspense and intrigue that has made "The Da Vinci Code" a global sensation. 10. "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien: Return to Middle-earth with J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved fantasy novel, "The Hobbit." This enchanting tale follows Bilbo Baggins as he embarks on a grand adventure with a band of dwarves to reclaim their homeland from the fearsome dragon Smaug. "The Hobbit" introduces readers to the wonders of Tolkien's imaginative world and serves as a prelude to "The Lord of the Rings." Conclusion: The world of literature is a treasure trove of captivating stories, profound ideas, and unforgettable characters. From timeless classics to contemporary bestsellers, these top-ranking books have captured the hearts and minds of readers around the world. Whether you seek to explore diverse genres, delve into complex themes, or simply lose yourself in the magic of storytelling, the books on this list offer a gateway to countless hours of reading pleasure. So, grab your favorite novel, find a cozy spot, and embark on a literary journey that will ignite your imagination and broaden your horizons.
Happy reading!

Monday 12 June 2023

5 Best Books for Financial Knowledge: Unlocking Your Path to Financial Success


Welcome to our blog, where we aim to equip you with the knowledge and resources to achieve financial success. In this article, we present our carefully curated list of the five best books that will expand your financial knowledge and empower you to make informed decisions. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, these books will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you navigate the complex world of finance. Let's dive in!

1. "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham:

Considered the cornerstone of value investing, Benjamin Graham's "The Intelligent Investor" offers timeless wisdom for investors. It teaches you how to analyze stocks, identify intrinsic value, and make rational investment decisions. Graham's principles, including his famous concept of "margin of safety," provide a solid foundation for long-term wealth creation.

2. "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki:

In "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Robert Kiyosaki shares his personal journey and the contrasting money mindsets of his two fathers. This book challenges conventional beliefs about wealth and provides valuable insights into financial literacy, building assets, and escaping the "rat race." Kiyosaki's compelling narrative makes it an engaging read for anyone seeking financial independence.

3. "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" by Burton G. Malkiel:

Burton G. Malkiel's "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" challenges the notion of beating the market and advocates for a passive investment approach. This book explores the efficient market hypothesis, asset allocation, and the benefits of low-cost index funds. It is a must-read for investors who want to understand the principles of long-term, low-risk investing.

4. "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey:

If you are struggling with debt or looking for a comprehensive guide to personal finance, "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey is a game-changer. Ramsey provides practical steps to eliminate debt, build an emergency fund, and create a budget that works for you. This book focuses on achieving financial freedom and living a debt-free life.

5. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman:

While not solely focused on finance, "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman explores the psychology behind decision-making. Understanding cognitive biases and the way our minds work can significantly impact our financial choices. This book equips readers with valuable insights into making better decisions and avoiding common financial pitfalls.


In your journey towards financial success, these five books will serve as invaluable resources. From mastering the art of investing to gaining a deeper understanding of personal finance and decision-making, each book offers unique perspectives and practical strategies. Remember, expanding your financial knowledge is a lifelong endeavor, and these books are a great starting point. Happy reading and empowering yourself towards financial well-being!

Monday 22 May 2023

Review of "Maanav: The Hum"

Book: Manav, The Human 

By: Ravi Ranjan Goswami

💡 "Manav The Human" is a short story written by Ravi Ranjan Goswami, set in a small town.

💡 The story revolves around the protagonist, Manav, and his stand against a local politician Chagan.

💡 Chagan's younger brother, Magan, gets involved in unlawful activities, leading to a clash between Manav and Magan.

💡 The resolution of this conflict becomes crucial for Chagan, as it can impact his own political career.

💡 The story is translated from Hindi by the author himself.

💡 The story is quite short, around 50 pages but the characterisation by author is upto the mark along with plot.

💡 The story reflects the reality of today's world politicians. (not all)

💡 Over all a great read.

#bookstagram #review


Saturday 20 May 2023

Top 10 Self help books you must read

Self-help books are literary works that aim to provide guidance, advice, and tools for personal growth, self-improvement, and well-being. These books typically cover a wide range of topics, including mental health, relationships, success, motivation, happiness, and personal development.

The primary purpose of self-help books is to empower individuals to take control of their lives, overcome challenges, and make positive changes. They often offer practical strategies, exercises, and insights to help readers develop new perspectives, build healthier habits, and achieve their goals.

Self-help books can serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking inspiration, guidance, and tools to navigate life's challenges and improve various aspects of their lives. They offer different perspectives and approaches, allowing readers to explore different strategies and find what resonates with them.

It's important to note that self-help books are not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. While they can provide valuable insights and support, individuals facing serious mental health issues or complex challenges may need to seek professional help.

Ultimately, the meaning of self-help books lies in their potential to inspire personal growth, foster self-awareness, and empower individuals to make positive changes in their lives. They offer a pathway for self-reflection, learning, and personal transformation.

Certainly! Here are some popular self-help books across various topics that you can consider sharing with your audience:

1. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey

   - This classic book focuses on principles for personal and professional success, providing practical guidance on productivity, leadership, and interpersonal relationships.

2. "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

   - This book explores the power of small habits and incremental changes to transform your life. It offers strategies for building good habits, breaking bad ones, and achieving long-term goals.

3. "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson

   - With a refreshing and counterintuitive approach, this book challenges conventional wisdom and offers a guide to finding meaning and happiness by prioritizing what truly matters to you.

4. "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck

   - This book explores the concept of mindset and how it influences our approach to learning, growth, and achievement. It discusses the benefits of cultivating a growth mindset for personal development.

5. "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown

   - Brené Brown explores vulnerability, shame, and courage in this book. It encourages readers to embrace vulnerability and develop resilience, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

6. "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl

   - Based on the author's experiences as a Holocaust survivor, this book explores the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life, even in the face of immense suffering.

7. "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle

   - Tolle explores the concept of living in the present moment and how it can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling existence. It provides practical guidance for achieving inner peace and overcoming negative thought patterns.

8. "Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear" by Elizabeth Gilbert

   - This book encourages readers to embrace their creativity and pursue their passions. It offers insights and inspiration to overcome fear and self-doubt while nurturing one's creative side.

9. "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz

   - Drawing from ancient Toltec wisdom, this book presents four principles for personal freedom and transformation. It explores ways to cultivate happiness, love, and authenticity in daily life.

10. "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman

    - Goleman delves into the importance of emotional intelligence and its impact on relationships, well-being, and success. The book offers practical strategies for developing emotional intelligence skills.

Friday 21 April 2023

Tools you need to use to earn with content

 Best Tools to Create Content and Earn with It

Are you a budding content creator? 

Maybe you’ve got a great blog or are thinking about starting one to make money? 

Whatever your goals, having the right tools for the job is essential. It can be difficult knowing which content creating tools to choose, so here’s a comprehensive list of tools to help you create content quickly and easily. 

Creating content is a great way to earn money on the internet, but the right tools are essential. Whether you are a content creator, marketer, or just getting started in the world of content creation, having the right tools to help you streamline your workflow can make a tremendous difference. In this article, we’ll look at the best tools to help you create content and earn with it. 

If you are one of the many content creators out there, you know how difficult it can be to juggle multiple projects, search engine optimization, content generation and other tasks in your day-to-day routine.

Fortunately, there are a variety of tools and platforms to help streamline your content creation processes and make the job a whole lot easier. Here are some of the best tools available, plus a few tips on how to use them to maximize your content-creation potential.

First off, let's discuss the popular content service provider, Wordpress. Wordpress is one of the most widely used content management systems out there, and for good reason. With Wordpress, you can create a powerful and dynamic website from scratch, and quickly publish a variety of content, including images, audio, video, and the written word. Plus, with the help of a wide variety of themes and plugins, you can adjust the look and feel of your site to your exact specs.

If you're more into the visual aspects of content creation, then you might consider using Photoshop. This industry-standard image-editing program enables you to create stunning visuals and manipulate existing photos and graphics. With the help of a few tutorials, you can add text, shapes, lines, and more to you creations, making them stand out from the competition.

For those who are into online video creation, companies like YouTube, Vimeo, and Oovoo offer platforms to make and upload content to the web. YouTube, in particular, is the most popular online video platform, with billions of users tuning in to view some of the most creative video content around. Start with a simple video camera and upload video tutorials, music videos, or just promotional clips for your brand to reach a wide audience.

When it comes to creating an audience for your content, social media networks are always a great place to start. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest can help you earn much-needed exposure for your work, as well as build a following base. You can also use tools like Hootsuite to manage multiple social accounts in one place. 

The Must have tools for Content Creation:

  • ChatGPT: Best AI assistant.
  • Grammarly: Best spelling and grammar checker.
  • Canva: Best graphic design tool.
  • Descript: Best video tool.
  • Buzzsprout: Best podcasting tool.
  • Trello: Best task management system.
  • Semrush Content Marketing Platform: Best SEO copywriting tool.

Wednesday 5 April 2023

Review of "Indian Puranic Plays"

Book: Indian Puranic Plays: Truth alone Triumphs
By: P. Thulasimani

Indian Puranic Plays is a collection of three puranic plays Yayati, Harishchandra and katha Sarita sagar. The author begins the book by explaining about mythology. The author very well highlights the difference between puranic and Vedic Gods and the beliefs. 
"History is adorned with jewels of myths" Well stated in the book 📖 with the context to each play as it is observed in a new point of view.

First the play begins with Yayati the author introduces the characters and the plot and the author explains his belief and how a character is actually observed and how he has portrayed the characters. 

Similarly followed by the other plays Harishchandra's, Chandrahari  and Katha Sarit Sagar. 

I enjoyed the plays as its writing style of script was fabulous and quite engaging.
One observes the play in a new perspective.
Author has done a commendable job by working on these puranic plays for the new generation.

Highly recommended the book
5/5 star