Friday, 4 September 2020

Review of "Color Blind"

Book: ColorBlind
By: Aditya Chowdhaury


Your only truth is the one color you see.

That’s what they told all of them.

In a world where people are born with the ability to see only one color and the rest in black and white, society and its hierarchies are sharply divided based on these colors. Seeing more than one is the most dangerous disease of all, and the authorities keep a strict check on the diseased by segregating them in state-run asylums.

So when Lohit, a proud conservative who sees red, crosses paths with Anjum, a girl who sees green, but doesn’t shy away from any color, his world is turned upside down, as his eyesight gets infected, and he finds himself on the run from government agents.

With his own people turning against him and having no one to trust, Lohit has to race against time, to decode clues left behind by the mysterious Anjum. He’s persuaded to decipher a recurrent dream of his past to find the answers he seeks but perhaps isn’t ready for.


We live in a world which is full of criticism about others flaws, weaknesses and problems.
The people will mock at you for everything and anything.

The story is about Lohit, the protagonist who was colorblind, he could see the world just by a single color. We people cannot tackle up with a black and white television and then there was him whose life lacked the originality of colors.

He meets Anjum, a mysterious girl who gives her life a unique view.
Who is Anjum?

Why is she mentioned as a mysterious girl??

To know all of it grab your copy now.

The story is well paced and the development of the plot is appreciable.

The theme of the book is explained well throughout the chapters.

The language is easy to understand.

The storyline was intriguing.

The cover and title are appropriate.

Overall an amazing read.


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