Book: The Native Aliens
By : Ravi Rajan Goswami
5000 years ago a king in India desired to go to heaven with his physical body and a Brahamarishi Vishvamitra sent him, but Devas stopped him on the way.
The book, The Native Aliens is a short story about the formation of a new earth alike planet, Sika.
How and what led to the formation of this planet?
The story starts with a twist when a gril appears on the smart tv of Raju when he was home alone. Making Raju and his family think that it was a spyware that caused this.
Further, the story reveals the girl on the screen, Marsika, was from the planet Sika who came to earth to learn more about the people here. The story of Rishi Vashishtha, King Vishvamitra and Trishanku explains the urge show of power by the king that led to the formation of thia new planet Sika.
The interesting part of the story of the motive of King to die along with his body to heaven.
Overall this short read was quite interesting and well written by the author.
Proper terminologies for scientific research of planet Sika and further more the style of writing adds to it's beauty.
A good read for anyone who loves short stories.
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