Sadly, the colour of the skin don't just define a person's beauty. But also, it won't let you be treated equally. Hashtag-Black lives matter, Justice for George Floyd, All lives matter and what not, Internet is filled with all of this because, No one deserves to die by getting choked up till suffocation and breathlessness. No! Not when you're innocent. People coming on the streets, Burning buildings, Risking their lives, Because the people in authority, are white. The people in charge, Care more about their pride. Putting guns of people's heads, Beating them, And locking them inside, And still, no one will shut up. That means you need to learn what's right. Asking for equality, Speaking up for rights, As we're the citizens of the country. But it seems like, Government don't care about it's duty. All they wanna do is, Shut people up who fight . We also got to see a lot of hypocrisy in this fight of equality and living of black people. People bullies black kids at school, Public beating up a kind black man, assuming that he's stealing, Treating co-workers like shit because of the colour of their skin, Making fun of the black lady walking down the street. So many stories unheard, Justice un-served. I don't understand what's more messed up ? The system or the mentality ? So, I stand up today and ask, What's the point of destroying innocent people's lives, When all they ask for is ,basic human rights .
-Muskan Image by @poetic.tinge
Words by @_writing.freak_