Thursday, 23 July 2020

Review of "Trail of Fireflies"

Book: Trail of Fireflies 
By: Mayank Nayal 

review, google reviews, books, the book, book recommendations

Trail of fireflies' is a beautiful collection of poetries and quotes about love. This is a book for those who sing for the blossoming flowers and speak their heart so sincerely to the stars. The author has delivered the truest of emotions in a way that creates a magical influence among the readers. In each poem, you will experience joy, delight, grief and find your own love story existing somewhere in between. From admiration of beauty to the yearnings of a lover, from blessings of true love to the ache of separation, the book has a wonderful world to be explored.

The whole book is divided into 5 sections and in section, there are different poems on love, loss, separation and pain. At the end of few poems, readers are able to draw some learning out of those poems and have their own opinion. Every poem is so relatable that you would be able to connect to it. You will find your own love story existing somewhere in between. The book has a fantastic world that includes admiration of beauty, the yearnings of a lover, blessings of true love, the ache of separation, etc.


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