Sunday, 30 August 2020
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Review of "Offsprings"
Monday, 24 August 2020
Review of "Pokhran"
Book:- Pokhran
By:- Uday Singh
The success of the ‘Smiling Buddha’ nuclear test marked the rise of India as a nuclear power in 1974. But what went unreported in the media was the nuclear fallout that had lasting impact on the inhabitants of Pokhran, especially Chaitanya.
It quickly becomes clear that the conspiracy surrounding this radioactive fallout runs pretty deep in the establishment. Those who have had a hand in covering it up are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that the secrets stay buried.
Chaitanya sets on a journey to expose the truth. With Zara by his side, he is sure to bring justice to his people. But when fate snatches Zara away from him, he is consumed by revenge. Undeterred by threats, he embarks on a mission that takes him from the deserts of Pokhran to those of Syria, and into the halls of MIT.
A heady page turner, at its very core, Pokhran is an exceptional journey of revenge, courage, love and the unbeatable human spirit.
The book starts with Chaitanya's childhood and how he has grown with a tough father around and raised by her elder sister. He had impaired legs, which is the result of the nuclear test - Smiling Buddha.
He had a God gifted IQ which helps him get into MIT where he sets on a journey to expose the truth with Zara, his wife.
Narration throughout the book is flawless.
It's plot is fast paced and intriguing.
I did not realise when the book ended. The book is full of inspiration, twist and turns, a story told like never before. The author has researched well on various topics.
All the characters in this book are well developed.
The story reveals a lot about Pokhran.
The title and the cover both add up to it's beauty.
Overall one of the best fictional books I've ever read.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Review of "Rhythm Roger"
Monday, 17 August 2020
Review of "Winning Your Demons"
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Why do I wake up at night staring at the ceiling
I’ve spent my whole life tryna run from that feeling
That feeling of being lonely, that feeling of being lost
That feeling of being sick when the lights turn off
That feeling of being depressed, that feeling of being anxious
That feeling of begging God to help me to take this, but only to get silence in return
I lay in that bed as I toss and I turn and I turn and I toss to this day
The doctors gave me medication, that pastor said pray
I tried both but this anxiety still hasn’t gone away
So forgive me if I fantasize about being gone today
I’m an actor who got really good at being on today
But when I turn of I go right back into the shadows
I’m in deeper now but I started in the shallows
And I might just drown myself in these waves
I can’t see it yet but my smiles are my graves
Everyone is coping with something, but they won’t admit it, they’re just too afraid
And these people are glued to watching me, what do I say?
If I’m honest with them, maybe they won’t think of me highly
Everything they want me to be is what I’m dying to be
But everything I really am is what I’m trying not to be
Saturday, 8 August 2020
Find yourself some "Happiness"
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Review of "2 Smoke"
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Mary Trump Book: Too Much and Never Enough
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Mary Trump spent much of her childhood in her grandparents’ large, imposing house in the heart of Queens, New York, where Donald and his four siblings grew up. She describes a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse. She explains how specific events and general family patterns created the damaged man who currently occupies the Oval Office, including the strange and harmful relationship between Fred Trump and his two oldest sons, Fred Jr. and Donald.
A firsthand witness to countless holiday meals and interactions, Mary brings an incisive wit and unexpected humor to sometimes grim, often confounding family events. She recounts in unsparing detail everything from her uncle Donald’s place in the family spotlight and Ivana’s penchant for regifting to her grandmother’s frequent injuries and illnesses and the appalling way Donald, Fred Trump’s favorite son, dismissed and derided him when he began to succumb to Alzheimer’s.
Numerous pundits, armchair psychologists, and journalists have sought to parse Donald J. Trump’s lethal flaws. Mary L. Trump has the education, insight, and intimate familiarity needed to reveal what makes Donald, and the rest of her clan, tick. She alone can recount this fascinating, unnerving saga, not just because of her insider’s perspective but also because she is the only Trump willing to tell the truth about one of the world’s most powerful and dysfunctional families.
Editorial Reviews
"Mesmerizing beach reading and a memorable opposition research dump...It is salacious, venomous and well-sourced...Yet the narrative remains compelling." —The Guardian
"A delicious tell-all that does in fact tell all in a way one longs for a tell-all to do.” —Vogue
"Dripping with snideness, vibrating with rage, and gleaming with clarity—a deeply satisfying read." —Kirkus (starred review)
"Mary Trump’s compelling saga of one very unhappy family does more than just provide probing insights into her uncle’s disturbing inner world. It’s also a first-rate primer on the chaotic inner workings of an administration that has shocked the world by failing to take the basic steps required to keep Americans safe during the coronavirus pandemic. —Boston Globe
"After many, many Trump books, this is an essential one." —Vanity Fair
"[A] deftly written account of cross-generational trauma...Mary Trump brings to this account the insider perspective of a family member, the observational and analytical abilities of a clinical psychologist and the writing talent of a former graduate student in comparative literature." —Washington Post
Mary’s clarity, training, discipline and sharp eye help make her a reliable narrator, and she’s a fluid, witty writer to boot…She’s a true insider in an era when “insider” accounts of the president are a dime-a-dozen — and that what she’s written is likely to be indelible.—Bloomberg
"Mary L. Trump comes closer than anyone to describing the making of a seemingly heartless person who won his way to the White House...[A]n insightful, well-crafted memoir"—CNN
"You can see why President Trump doesn’t want anyone to read this thing. It gives the lie to many of his most cherished myths about himself."—Los Angeles Times
Review by a reader:
My Harvard Law mentor, later Watergate prosecutor, Archibald Cox, was shocked by Nixon's misdeeds. He would be in disbelief at the greater and ongoing misdeeds of Trump, who has now corruptly commuted Roger Stone's sentence to assure Stone would not testify about Trump's pivotal and disloyal role in Russian rigging of Trump's 2016 election. Even Nixon did not abuse his presidential powers of commutation and pardon! Almost 50 of Nixon's accomplices, including 2 Attorney Generals, were later convicted of Nixon related felonies after Nixon resigned. AG Bill Barr, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence, et al. surely have noted this nervously as they likely work on their individual pardon requests.
Dr. Mary Trump confirms that there is both a continuous history and calculated method to her Uncle Donald's seemingly lifelong psychological disorder --- his constant goal has been to advance his personal interests only, too hell with everyone else, including his siblings, his wives and even his children and their children. His lifelong record, Mary narrates, has involved continually cheating, lying, cruelty, revenge, bullying, unfaithfulness, betrayal, greed, lust and worse, all of which clearly remain part of his daily toolkit.
Dr. Mary Trump's excellent book also indicates that Uncle Donald can be expected to do whatever he possibly can to try to stay out of jail and to survive after he loses this November's election. Trump's defensive efforts will be pursued regardless of who gets hurt, whether hundreds of thousands of senior COVID pandemic victims or even more schoolchildren being forced to attend unsafe schools in order to help inflate further the Federal Reserve's already inflated stock market to help Donald's rapidly diminishing reelection prospects.
With only 4% of the world's population, the U.S. has suffered with 25% of the world's COVID cases and almost 25% of the world's COVID deaths. Why are Americans suffering at 6 times the world's average? Why are many millions more Americans unemployed than European workers? The most evident reason is the self-interested, corrupt, incompetent and reckless leadership of Donald Trump explained in this book.
This book makes clear that Trump's father subsidized Donald's earliest business failures and funded, with an inheritance of hundreds of millions of dollars, Donald's subsequent business failures that Donald often still tries hard to keep secret. Of course, his four significant business bankruptcies were not hoaxes, nor can they be blamed on the Fake Media! These colossal failures indicate Trump's longstanding managerial incompetence that hundreds of millions of Americans are seeing almost daily at present, while tens of thousands of them perish monthly due often to his mismanagement of the COVID response.
Mary Trump has filled in many blanks that help explain how Trump became such a cruel, corrupt, ruthless and self-centered person. An over-bearing father, an under-bearing mother, unprincipled siblings, inherited wealth, a spoiled upbringing, a flawed personality with limited intelligence from the get-go, etc., have all produced a person who is now a clear and present danger to the public health, economy and security of the U.S., as well as of the world generally. He just doesn't care other than about himself, and this book makes a strong case that he cannot care if he even wanted to, given his lifelong negative psychological development.
Truly, as one top psychiatrist who has followed and written about Donald's psychological history closely expressed, Trump is now an EVIL person, as this psychiatrist noted recently in a TV interview discussing the importance of this book.
If you read the book. you will find out for yourself!
With the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision giving the state prosecutor in Manhattan a clear path to Trump's financial and tax records, Trump now knows he cannot avoid facing NY's criminal laws against financial and tax fraud. Neither AG Barr nor Rudy Giuliani can save him from facing major charges, which cannot be avoided for much longer.
Trump may think he can buy some time by getting re-elected president, but he can neither rig nor stop the NY investigations of his, his siblings' and his children's seemingly criminal conduct. Trump cannot pardon himself or anyone else for NY state law crimes, nor pardon himself for federal crimes despite some of his followers' wishful thinking to the contrary. Even if Trump pardons Pence, then resigns, followed by President Pence pardoning him for federal crimes, Trump would still face potentially serious state criminal charges in Manhattan.
Donald Trump's goose is cooked! All that is open is how soon will the legal fire begin and how long it will take to cook.
But Trump won't likely give up without first pulling out all stops, no matter who else gets hurt in the process. He can be expected to refuse to accept Joe Biden's victory, by claiming without evidence election fraud.
Trump can also be expected to try to provoke some of his heavily armed racist supporters to rebel against his election defeat. This prospect is evident in many of Donald's actions and statements, including his calling Black Life Matters protestors terrorists, his tweeting with implicit approval of a link to his 2 heavily armed supporters menacingly pointing their weapons at peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors, his well-planned use of Federal troop and police resources to attack peaceful protestors near the White House, his defense of violent Charlottesville white nationalists' excesses, his constant reference to protecting 2nd Amendment gun rights, etc.
This over-the-top approach to local situations was recently adopted by Trump's very supportive Georgia governor who unnecessarily sent into Atlanta National Guard troops to deal with some violence already being handled adequately by Atlanta police.
The possibility of Trump provoking an armed rebellion to justify his using Federal forces, to enable him to stay in power longer, cannot be overlooked. We have not yet seen what Donald Trump is capable of when cornered and cornered he is.
Of course, Trump is not beyond doing the unthinkable, as we have learned so often during the last 4 years. He may even seek asylum and protection in Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang or Istanbul to join one of his "good autocratic friends"! They all would love the opportunity to shame the U.S., as Trump already has done so often. Stranger things have happened under this President.
All Americans, as well as all people of good will in the world, owe Dr. Mary Trump a debt of gratitude for her valuable and timely book explaining the cause of so much grief.
MAGA ---Make America Grieve Again!