Book: Only Thoughts: Philosophy of Everything
By: Sujal Sahu
#1 Hot New Release in philosophy, reference, and psychology from the launch, and also has been the best seller in philosophy and psychology (Kindle Store, India).
Philosophy is the first academic subject that was responsible for very profound progress but also retardness, especially today. If you ever read different philosophies, you must be very well aware of the contradiction of different kind or types of philosophy imposes. Philosophy without a doubt lead us to science i.e., a subject that always leads to progress and is dedicated to creating absolute, contradiction-free knowledge. But still despite the existence of science people are not clear about what part of philosophy was absolute, what are the necessities, what exactly overall philosophy means, and what is the subject of everything - is it philosophy?
That’s why I have written this book to clear those things and end philosophy once and for all. This book is meant to clear the bases of everything and also to eradicate the base of things that retard progress. This book is the 1st book written by mean which creates the base for every subject so that I can write the 2nd book “Connectivity – Theory of Everything” and the 3rd book “Solution of All Prior Unsolved Paradoxes”. At last, I would say “judge a book by its index*”.
*Just in case you don’t know index doesn’t necessarily mean a list in order from A to Z at the end of the book containing the names which are the subjects that are referred to in the book, it can also be the Table of chapter or content which is the case for my books.
Well as stated by the author, judge a book by its index I would also say the same. The book is a strong philosophical idea of the author. It contains various concepts and ideologies of the writer by specifying the clarity between various jargons and hierarchy.
It is one of the most debatable book in its own as it states the reality and understanding of the thoughts. We all think of what's important and what really matters but do we know the real concept or the real meaning behind it?
Well our lives all are filled with thoughts and delusions which are factors for our decisions but figuring out the realistic and the unreal is deeply important. The author begins the book stating his motive behind it and how does all the book connects with the reader. Moving on the author's strong points that explain the real meaning of thought and knowledge adds to its value. There can we thoughts of various readers that may differ from the author but it takes a strong and courageous person to pen down all of this in such a compelling way.
At the end the difference between Monarchy and Democracy is well quoted by the author and then the hierarchy of needs graph explains the division of needs for survival.
Over all a great book to read!!